Warthin Tumor
Warthin tumor Definition "Warthin tumor, also known as adenolymphoma or papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum, is composed of bilayered oncocytic and basaloid epithelium forming cystic structures, papillae, and glands accompanied by a dense lymphoid stroma." -Fletcher "Warthin's tumor is an adenoma in which bilayered columnar and basaloid oncocytic epithelia form multiple cysts that havenumerous papillations; it is accompanied by a proliferation of follicle-containing lymphoid tissue." -Ellis Synonyms: Papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum-describes the histological features Adenolymphoma-misnomer as it could be confused with malignancy History: It was first reported by Hildebrad in 1895 as a form of lateral cervical cyst variant. Albrechet and Artz, in 1910, termed this tumour as papillary cystadenoma. In 1929, Aldred Scott Warthin’s published two addit...