Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor Terminology and History: Earliest publication of AOT was by Steensland, Dreybladt, James and Forbes, L’Esperance and Stafne in the year 1905 as "epithelioma adamantinum'' According to Philipsen and Reichart, Stafne was the first author to consider AOT as a separate entity. Although, Stafne did not propose a specific term for the lesion, he reported a series of three cases under the title “Epithelial tumours associated with developmental cysts of maxilla" Terminologies used:‘ ‘cystic adamantoma’’, ‘‘adenoameloblastoma’’, ‘‘cystic complex composite odontoma’, “tumor of enamel organ epithelium”, “glandular ameloblastoma” ‘‘ameloblastic adenomatoid tumour’’, ‘‘odontogenic adenomatoid tumour’’, “pseudo-adeno adamantinum” & “pleomorphic adenoma –like tumor” Philipsen and Birn introduced the term adenomatoid odontogenic tumour, to be adopted by the WHO in their ``Histological Typing of Odontogenic Tumours, Jaw Cysts and Allied Lesions...